5 ways to benefit from Marketing Automation

5 ways to benefit from Marketing Automation

One of the big goals of Marketing Automation (MA) strategies is to transform our communications approach from a “one-to-all” broadcast model to a “1-on-1” direct targeted dialogue.

In this way we improve:

  • the efficiency of the marketing budget spent on digital campaigns

  • the customer experience at each step of the customer journey

  • conversion rates and ROI of specific marketing activities

When people go on-line, they want to find information matching their current needs. That is why Google Ads are so great for business - somebody is looking for a Product, and in that exact moment, an offer that fits that implied request is served up. A customer is found in an actively receptive state, either ready to buy or looking for a proposal.

Similarly with 1-on-1 personalisation: we want to catch only those highly predisposed towards buying something from us, to bring them to a webpage that provides the sales information they’re likely looking for (and the persuasion to carry them further).

2 areas of personalisation

With Marketing Automation solutions you can track both demographic and behavioural data about your customers in one place - tag their activities, add scoring, assign them to the right stage of the sales funnel, and track user engagement. The system does everything automatically “in the background”. You wouldn’t be able to do it manually, what with the thousands of visitors to your website every day!

With such data, you can run proactive marketing campaigns based on user profiles which give you a unique opportunity for 1-on-1 communication. The more information you collect about a user, the better you can accompany him in his customer journey towards a purchase.

There are many areas of websites you can customise based on visitor profiles:

  • hero banners - with a promotion of a product our visitor had previous interest in

  • big blocks of content - targeted to match requirements of a particular customer type

  • pop-up screens - invitations to webinars and events

In an ideal scenario, when somebody visits a website, they want to be shown only the content that matches their needs, and from there will guide them to the end of the selling process.

Customer’s need » Personalised offer » Purchase » Need satisfied

Content personalisation is based on a full set of rules and campaign settings - marketing departments run A/B tests on various scenarios, plus continuously research and validate the best ways to maximise conversion rates.

Many people equate E-mail Marketing with Marketing Automation.

But as seen from Aquia Mautic, one of the most popular Marketing Automation solutions, Email Marketing is just a part of the whole ecosystem of modules.

Acquia Mautic ecosystem

What makes Marketing Automation different is that it expands Email Marketing to the next level when communicating: to your email database, content including ebooks, blog posts, videos, and webinars. The same happens when you offer visitors free product demos or consultations.

  Traditional email marketing Email marketing as part of Marketing Automation
Target groups

Basic targeting
Internal databases of email addresses - sometimes with basic profiling (leads vs customers or by industry)

Advanced targeting
Customer segments, product interest, demographic data (roles inside an organisation), past behaviour (websites visited, content downloaded)
Frequency of email campaigns sent On a regular basis - 2-3 times a month In the individually selected times or periods that fit user behaviour and personalisation patterns
Content Message that is important for a company - promoting a product, special offer, etc. Message that is important for a user - based on their interests and a stage in a sales funnel

As you can see from the table above, you don’t just send regular emails wishing that somebody will get caught in your snare: you target your email communications with more or less surgical precision, sometimes down to a single contact in the database.

This way, you increase email open rates, click through rates, and conversion rates. Not only do you base your marketing activities on demographic data (company size, industry, role, age, gender) but also on behavioural metrics (content downloaded, a product page visited, returning visits).

One of the significant gains from using MA is the ability to gather user data even when they stay anonymous.

Thanks to progressive profiling, you can track all users' activities on websites from their first visits, when a unique ID is pinned to them. Long before getting his precious email address and marketing consent, you can show personalised content on websites with each followup visit or launch remarketing campaigns.

Once a user leaves his data - name, surname, email, et al,  you have already collected a full history of his activities, which helps you to serve him even more personalised content.  In contrast, it might take a year or 2 between the first anonymous visit and the moment when a user actively provides you with his personal data - time that should not be wasted.

But once that happens, even more efficient campaigns can be run on users with complete profiles and marketing permission - from invitations to webinars and events up to exclusive offers and on-line courses sent regularly.

“Omnichannel campaigns” is a term that has been used by marketers for over a decade. But only with Marketing Automation platforms can you finally put them to life.  

Whether your users read content via a mobile application, on a website, landing page or in an email message, we want 2 things to happen:

  • Gather user behaviour from all touchpoints - date of visit, types of interaction, content seen, etc.

  • Ensure there is consistent communication in each channel - for example, the same personalised offer sent by email and posted on the Web.

This is only possible with a full set of Marketing Automation modules, including user profiles, advanced campaigns building, website tracking, integrated web forms, dynamic content,  audience segmentation, as well as communication via social media, mobile and email.