Build a Customer Engagement Strategy for Omnichannel

Build a Customer Engagement Strategy for Omnichannel

15 years ago an average consumer typically used two touch-points when buying an item and only 7% regularly used more than four. Today, consumers use an average of almost six touch-points with nearly 50% regularly using more than four*.

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So another angle to consider in your marketing strategy is customer engagement in omnichannel. Match your target groups, generations and products with the right communication channels.

Your goal is to be available on as many channels as possible, as long as your users are there. You don’t need to be on Snapchat if you sell business consulting services. But LinkedIn will definitely be a place to build your brand.

  • Websites - consistent look & feel of your corporate sites, product sites, landing pages content platforms
  • On-line stores — smooth transition of digital experience when moving from information and content websites to your online sales platforms
  • Mobile apps — user experience, designed/tailored for mobile devices, with brand identity in mind
  • Phone support — customer representatives, equipped with data from all of your brand’s touchpoints
  • Social media profiles — up-to-date information, brand look & feel, communication adjusted to social media realities, quick replies to client inquiries, easy and obvious links to jump off to your websites, content platforms and eCommerce portal. [Don’t put off a client who’s ready to buy].
  • Client contact - a wide variety of contact channels - from a phone and email up to Facebook messenger and chat

To put it simply — you share product knowledge and industry expertise in every channel possible with your brand behind it: YouTube videos, articles written by experts on your blog, reports, product comparisons and many more. You want to be found by potential buyers and you want to be perceived as a thought leader in your sector.

In the past, giving away expertise for free was an absurd idea. Today, with clients doing research online, it’s a must-have. We want to be found, and we want to be perceived as experts.

Pick only channels and formats that match your image and concept, and of course where your prospects are actually found.

You might have IT companies selling CRM systems advising on how to improve an organisation’s sales department, or bicycle manufacturers advising on best weekend trip destinations and bike upkeep.

The best-case scenario is to have holistic content in many different channels leading visitors back to your websites.

To sum up, when building a customer engagement strategy for omnichannel, remember about three things:

  1. When interacting with a brand today, consumers use an average of almost six touch-points, with nearly 50% regularly using more than four.
  2. So your goal is to be available on as many channels as possible, as long as your users are there. And remember to keep consistent communication across all devices and platforms.
  3. Share product knowledge and industry expertise in every channel possible with your brand behind it. You want to be found by potential buyers, and you want to be perceived as a thought leader in your sector.