How it works?

Acquia Customer Data Platform (CDP) is a marketing system that organisations install in-house to tailor and segment offerings better, thus increasing revenue and satisfaction from their current clients.

You feed your customers’ data into the CDP, which aggregates and analyses it using machine learning algorithms to provide you with ready-to-go information for use in everyday client communications and campaigns across various channels.

Data-Driven Marketing

No more guessing which client is interested in which products due to fragmented data. No more ad-hoc campaigns. No more data silos within an organisation. No more waiting whole weeks to access critical customer data.

When installing the Customer Data Platform in your organisation you take your data management to the next level by aligning your spread-out systems with customers’ data and filing information into one unified data warehouse. That is the only way for companies to see the big picture and make the best sales & marketing decisions based on real-time data.

Your customer's data (B2C & B2B)

  • E-commerce
  • CRM
  • Marketing automation
  • Warehousing
  • Web analytics
  • Call center systems
  • POS systems
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Customers’ data from different data perspectives

Acquia Customer Data Platform

  • Single Customers View (360°)
  • Analytics and Machine Learning
  • Customer Data activation and orchestration
  • Real-time reporting
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Campaign recommendation, client segmentation, campaign patterns

Interaction Channels

  • E-mail
  • Website & Chat
  • Mobile App
  • Call Center
  • Loyalty Pages
  • Stores
  • Direct Mail
  • Social
  • Sales department 

5 business challenges we solve with DXP

Sales & Marketing departments have maxed out their opportunities using legacy tech solutions. They need a big picture approach with more relevant, fine-tuned suggestions to help them expand business with their current clients.

High cost of acquiring new clients

the global health crisis, among other challenges, has pushed companies to cut marketing budgets and focus on maximising profit from existing clients.

Current IT tools are not evolved enough

to improve the Return On Investment (ROI) / Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) of marketing campaigns and increase Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).

Lack of a Single Customer View with all data in one place:

“I can’t get a holistic view of my customer. We can see how well we do with individual activities, but I can’t see how these channels interact.”

Data silos result in data spread across departments, platforms and solutions

it often takes 2-4 weeks for marketing departments to receive relevant data from their fellow analytics, CRM, CX and IT teams inside large organisations, which is unaffordable in today’s competitive climate.

No real marketing personalisation taking into account demographic and behavioural metrics

raw data is too bulky and time consuming for teams to use in actual campaign and outreach efforts. They need automation to make key data usable.

Main functionalities

There are 3 main areas of functionalities - from building a comprehensive customer view, through data analytics
and Machine Learning algorithms up to campaigns 

Single Customer View (360°)

360° profile unifies all customer attributes, events, transactions, analytics, identities, & household info.

  • Data Hygiene
  • Profile Unification
  • Data Deduplication
  • Data Append
  • Cookie Stitching

Analytics and Machine Learning

Gain insights into customer segments and business impacts - directly access customer intelligence.

  • Behavioural analytics
  • 300+ dimensions & measures
  • Predictive algorithms
  • Custom Machine Learning model support
  • SQL query access to data
  • Data visualisation and exploration

Customer Data Activation & Orchestration

Use Machine Learning to build impactful campaigns - send granular segments to execution channels.

  • Behavioural segmentation
  • 1-1 content for dynamic personalisation
  • One-time use offer management
  • Triggered orchestration
  • API connectivity to ads
  • Marketing, and customer-facing systems
  • Modern real-time APIs

Business impact on brands using Acquia CDP

Companies from various industries have their say on how implementing the Acquia Customer Data Platform impacted their numbers.

+77% revenue from email

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targeting preselected groups with personalised e-mail marketing based on recommendations provided by machine learning algorithms

+333% Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)

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significant improvement of return from money spent on online advertising to bring only quality traffic that will convert into clients

130% revenue per customer

of the strategic goals when implementing the Customer Data Platform is to improve revenue and profit from each customer inside the organisation

+100% customer retention rate

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efficient way to engage and activate clients to improve the number of regular & returning clients

+50% increase in online revenue

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driving traffic to internet stores to reduce operational costs and increase Customer Lifetime Value through digital channels repetitive purchases

200% ROI from Acquia CDP in 3 months

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very short time to earn revenue covering not only implementation and licensing of Acquia CDP but also gaining 100% revenue

+98% call center conversions

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data-driven sales & support processes through the phone aimed at higher efficiency of call center departments

+344% omnichannel shoppers

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shopping experience in every channel convenient to a customer with a seamless switch between buying platforms

Contact us to see how your company can reduce digital costs and improve conversions.

Put Open Source in the center of your Marketing & IT strategy.

Get in touch

Michał Klemczak

Michał Klemczak


Tell me about your digital challenges and I will propose solutions, schedules and cost estimates.

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