Magnetic Point Case Study - part 2 of 2

Magnetic Point Case Study - part 2 of 2

Back at the end of 2019, after a series of workshops and brainstorming sessions, we took strategic steps and set new goals for 2020, which were to boost expansion of Magnetic Point into international markets and improve the company’s recognition in Europe. This is a second part of our Magnetic Point Case Study, where we summarise our journey. You may be interested in reading the first part of our Case Study.

Case Study Blog Photo of Szczecin

To highlight geography, Magnetic Point tells the story of Szczecin in Poland (the city where the company resides), which has undergone an enormous transformation. Thanks to its history of shipbuilding, Szczecin was a city dominated by cranes which helped its shipyards construct all manner of vessels to handle the seagoing voyage.

A "postcard" from the past

Today Szczecin is a transformed city with its focus on the IT & e-commerce sectors

They combine the past greatness of our shipyard industry with today’s embrace of new technologies, still focused on preparing for new horizons and exciting new challenges - a kind of “digital safari” to new horizons. That’s why we decided to use these as an emblematic element of our website to set our brand apart - “together we will do great things”.

Minimalistic shape of „Cranosaurs” with circle shapes

Behind every tech solution, there are great people making it happen every day. People full of passion and ambitions to excel. That is why we were delighted to share their interests and life outside the ring. What some call “down time”, we call “room to explore”, or just good fun.

Hobbies of Magnetic Point team members

Along with presenting our core web software development services, we needed our new website to feature its Culture and Career sections side by side - expressing both a human touch and balance in all things.

Finally, the corporate website includes a spot where the company could expose its rich list of non-commercial activities and introduce the broad interests of team members. Magnetic Point’s Basketball team, conferences for Java programmers, charity events or the support of children's programming contests are the actions that reflect company culture and the way of doing business.

Javips Conference - an example of Magnetic Point’s non-commercial activities and actions

It is also noteworthy that business inquiry and recruitment forms have been integrated with the Acquia Campaign Studio system (formerly Mautic) to automate marketing activities and improve the sales and HR processes.

One of the company’s goals was to extend content marketing by activating new marketing channels such as YouTube videos and corporate Blogs as well as Linkedin and Facebook company pages.

Topics are largely built around Magnetic Point’s new offer specialisation - Digital Experience Platform.

Company's blog

E-book: “11 Digital Experience Trends”

Videos on Magnetic Point's YouTube channel

Why Acquia & Drupal?
Magnetic Point used the Acquia platform and Drupal 9 because it is recognised by Gartner as a leading digital experience platform, offering enterprise-class quality and reliability. Additionally, they support custom web development, rich content management and engaging a large community of web creators worldwide. Finally, Acquia & Drupal are relatively affordable and fast to implement. Drupal's flexible, secure, open-source architecture let us revamp Magnetic Point's entire site experience, to better manage content and improve responsiveness across all device types.

Main effort
A tremendous amount of energy has been put into creating:

  • site logic,
  • a flat information architecture,
  • navigation,
  • engaging content,
  • a design with clear and eye-catching layouts that give users quicker and easier access to important information.

Reusable components = quicker development
Drupal 9 allows great flexibility in creating a set of reusable components to build a new web experience and bring it online smoothly. This way parts can be easily replicated while building new sites out of subpages. It makes web development quicker and cheaper, to avoid rework and possible errors from untested new code. And time is everything these days - to react faster to market changes and reach an evolving audience with the right message when it’s needed - not a day late.

Consistent user experience across all devices
We’ve put great emphasis on the website's coherence, allowing users on tablets, phones, and desktop devices to have a consistent experience when viewing Magnetic Point’s pages and content. Best practices have been applied to achieve high-quality code semantics, security and system performance - the geeky stuff - while aesthetics and the personal touch shine through. To achieve the needed sharpness in layouts, all graphics assets have been optimised for display on more demanding Apple devices with Retina screens. Thanks to this approach, the user's experience in interacting with the site has been greatly enhanced, both with practical issues like eye strain as well as overall pleasantness of the visual.

Here are the steps we used to build our new Website (similar to any other):

  • Design the website concepts and wireframes
  • Prepare content, including texts and graphic assets
  • Take photo session in the company's office
  • Mock up and evaluate new website layouts.
  • Carry out an in-depth technical analysis
  • Develop and deploy the actual Website (utilizing on Acquia & Drupal solutions)
  • Quality Assurance and testing
  • Website launch (including “post-op review”, and any needed tweaks)

Magnetic Point website wireframes and design

All graphics assets have been optimised for Apple devices with Retina screens

Magnetic Point decided to host the website using Acquia Cloud, which guarantees high performance, safety and scalability. Using the Acquia Cloud solution let us have all the server environments - development, staging, and production - ready during the complete process. Thanks to Acquia, Magnetic Point was also prepared to handle the deployment process (Zero Downtime Deployment) while reducing SysOps/DevOps support to nil.

The Cloud Platform CDN (Content Distribution Network) makes Magnetic Point’s website available and highly responsive to global viewers by caching pages and static assets at over 65 Points Of Presence (PoPs) around the world. Visitors who access the website load the static assets from the PoP closest to their location, which decreases the amount of time required to load the Magnetic Point website, along with individual pages and designated pieces of content.

Acquia Cloud configuration provides excellent performance results through its use of a caching system (Varnish HTTP Cache). Additionally, the site is continuously monitored via Acquia's Insight tool, while Uptime robots supervise the website 24/7, helping to achieve a reliable always-on web solution.

The project to build a new Magnetic Point strategy began in August 2019, and the new site was complete after 5 months, launching in July 2020.

About 15 people were involved in the creation of strategy, website, visual identity and layouts. These included business consultants, UX specialists, designers, project managers, Drupal developers, and QA specialists.

The final result delivers a consistent-yet-tailored state-of-the-art Acquia & Drupal-based Web experience across all devices. Website branding and architecture were redefined to meet audience needs and improve the overall customer experience.

Consistent web experience across different devices

After the relaunch, all of our website metrics improved as compared to the prior website version (2019). With the new site, Magnetic Point was able to significantly increase performance, including number of site users, direct traffic, and page views:

New users

45% increase

Session durations

41% increase

Page views 

85% increase

Bounce rate

14% decrease

Build time for new sites

70% reduction

Overall performance ranking 

Up to 96%

Overall accessibility ranking 

Up to 97%

Overall SEO ranking 

Up to 91%

Magnetic Pont website ranking (for desktop) based on Google Lighthouse tool