Race to the Bottom? Customer Experience is Your Chance to Stand Out

Race to the Bottom? Customer Experience is Your Chance to Stand Out

Customer Experience is the key to build competitive advantage, especially in Digital.

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We all know that products are getting cheaper and cheaper due to automation, economies of scale and the simplicity of instantly comparing prices and features online. 

But your online sales begin long before - with every previous user’s shopping and purchase and delivery experience. Your track record is up there for everyone to see - for better or worse. Strive to give service that exceeds, that clients will write about. This is 2020’s best advertising.

Even though Amazon can beat legacy retailers in the areas of pricing and time, your “business is back to local” clients can stay with brands that share the same values, are more authentic, and show their “human face”. Be a friend, be a partner, be a trusted vendor. Relationships still work - find your internet face. Maybe only 10% of retail spend is up for grabs, but you can be that 10%. According to Adobe, the key to success in 2020 online is to focus on Customer Experience and embrace real-time Personalisation to provide users with value through targeted communication.

According to Adobe, the key to success in 2020 online is to focus on Customer Experience and embrace real-time Personalisation to provide users with value through targeted communication.

There are several ways to build your brand around customer experience, making digital experience key to managing it. Optimising sales processes these days plays a significant role in product experience with a variety of digital tools solutions onboard to simplify your effort.